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Addictions/Substance Abuse

Handouts for Substance Abuse training module with Dr. Shelley Steenrod.

  1. Guidelines for Professional Referral to Alcoholics Anonymous and Other Twelve Step Groups (Riordan & Walsh)

  2. Alcoholism, the Science Made Easy

  3. Assessment and Diagnosis of the Substance Abuse Disorders (SUDs) (Evans)

  4. Brief Intervention Manual (Barbor, Higgens-Biddle)

  5. Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems:  Factors that Facilitate Implementations

  6. Evidence-Based Treatments:  A Pathway to New Revenue ( Wurmser)

  7. Spirituality and Addiction:   A Research and Clinical Perspective (Galanter)

  8. Making Meaning of Alcoholics Anonymous for Social Workers:  Myths, Metaphors, and Realities (Davis & Jansen)

  9. National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS), State Profile- Massachusetts

  10. Motivational Enhancement and Other Brief Interventions for Adolescent Substance Abuse:  foundations, applications and evaluations (Tevyaw & Monti)

  11. National Expenditures of Mental Health Services and Substance Abuse Treatment, 1991- 2001. (SAMHSA)

  12. Mass. DPH Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Directory

  13. Unmet Need for Substance Abuse Treatment of Adults in Massachusetts (Shephard, Strickler & Mc Aulliffe)

  14. The Science of Addictions

  15. --Screening & Brief Interventions for Heavy Drinking (Bierut)

  16. Commonly Abused Drugs chart (NIDA)

  17. Prescription Drugs with Abuse Potential chart (NIDA)

  18. Social Work Practice in Health Care: The Need to Use Brief Interventions  (Kotrla)

  19. Substance Abuse Counselors in Recovery: Implications for the Ethical Use of Dual Relationships (Doyle)

  20. Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention (SBI) for Trauma Patients:

  21. NIAAA Slides on Screening in Social Work Settings:, find Module 5 titled "Screening for Alcohol Problems in Social Work Settings."  At the far right are several options.  Choose "Presentation Slides."

    Powerpoint Presentations

  1. Why do people use drugs?

  2. Types of Drugs:  Signs and Symptoms

  3. Diagnostic Criteria:  Substance Abuse and Dependence

  4. Addiction is a Brain Disease

  5. Screening

  6. Screening, Brief Intervention Referral & Treatment   (SBIRT)

  7. Brief Intervention