Staff Access

Health & Illness
Addictions/Substance Abuse
Handouts for Substance Abuse training module with Dr. Shelley Steenrod.
- Guidelines for Professional Referral to Alcoholics Anonymous and Other Twelve Step Groups
(Riordan & Walsh)
- Alcoholism, the Science Made Easy
- Assessment and Diagnosis of the Substance Abuse Disorders (SUDs) (Evans)
Brief Intervention Manual (Barbor, Higgens-Biddle)
Brief Interventions for Alcohol Problems: Factors that Facilitate Implementations
Evidence-Based Treatments: A Pathway to New Revenue ( Wurmser)
Spirituality and Addiction: A Research and Clinical Perspective (Galanter)
Making Meaning of Alcoholics Anonymous for Social Workers: Myths, Metaphors, and Realities (Davis & Jansen)
National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS), State Profile- Massachusetts
Motivational Enhancement and Other Brief Interventions for Adolescent Substance Abuse: foundations, applications and evaluations (Tevyaw & Monti)
National Expenditures of Mental Health Services and Substance Abuse Treatment, 1991- 2001. (SAMHSA)
Mass. DPH Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Directory
Unmet Need for Substance Abuse Treatment of Adults in Massachusetts (Shephard, Strickler & Mc Aulliffe)
- The Science of Addictions
- www.alcoholmedicalscholars.org --Screening & Brief Interventions for Heavy Drinking (Bierut)
- Commonly Abused Drugs chart (NIDA)
- Prescription Drugs with Abuse Potential chart (NIDA)
- Social Work Practice in Health Care: The Need to Use Brief Interventions (Kotrla)
- Substance Abuse Counselors in Recovery: Implications for the Ethical Use of Dual Relationships (Doyle)
Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention (SBI) for Trauma Patients: http://download.ncadi.samhsa.gov/prevline/pdfs/SMA07-4266.pdf
NIAAA Slides on Screening in Social Work Settings:
http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/Social/ContentsList.html, find Module 5 titled "Screening for Alcohol Problems in Social Work Settings." At the far right are several options. Choose "Presentation Slides."
Powerpoint Presentations
- Why do people use drugs?
- Types of Drugs: Signs and Symptoms
- Diagnostic Criteria: Substance Abuse and Dependence
- Addiction is a Brain Disease
- Screening
- Screening, Brief Intervention Referral & Treatment (SBIRT)
- Brief Intervention