Staff Access

Services for Specific Populations
Chronic Illness
Alzheimer's Disease/Dementia
Mass General Dementia Care Collaborative
Alzheimer's Association- educational materials for patients, families and caregivers about the disease and coping.
- From the Alzheimer's Association (MA/NH Chapter):
- From the Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office (MMCO) in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS):
Program Highlights
- Savvy Caregiver Dementia Training - a free training program that provides family caregivers with skills and knowledge about dementia. Contact the program for future dates. For more information, see “Savvy Caregiver” Dementia Training Returns in May- MGH Community News, April 2019.
- One Hundredth Memory Café Opens in Massachusetts- Memory cafés are social gatherings for people living with Alzheimer’s or a related disorder, their family members, friends, and caregivers. They meet at a variety of places including coffeehouses, museums, or community organizations. Jewish Family & Children’s Service (JF&CS) hosts a statewide Memory Café Directory. From MGH Community News, February 2019.
Alzheimer's In the News
Also see:
Caregivers Page
Of Clinical Interest > Dementia (for professionals)