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Mental Health


Also see: General Topics/Resources for Patients includes "How to Find a Therapist" handouts, out of state counseling handouts, hoarding resources and more.


MA 24/7 Behavioral Health Help Line and 25 Behavioral Health Centers With 24-Hour Crisis Intervention - phone and text at 833-773-2445, or at (Launched January 2023)

The Behavioral health Help Line offers a single point of contact for residents to receive real-time support, initial clinical assessment, and connection to the right mental health and SUD evaluation and treatment, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay, in 200 languages, including providing warm handoffs to the designated Community Behavioral Health Centers (below).

Community Behavioral Health Centers provide the following services, in person and via telehealth: 

  • Same-day evaluation and access to treatment, with timely follow-up appointments 
  • Evening and weekend hours 
  • Behavioral health urgent care 
  • Evidence-based treatment for mental health conditions and substance use disorders, including clinical services and peer support services 
  • 24/7 community-based locations for crisis intervention, and mobile crisis teams 
  • Crisis stabilization beds 
  • Centers should have access to recovery coaches and community health workers who will also provide support related to housing, food and transportation. (MGH Community News, 2/23)

Handouts & Posters

In the News: First Six Months of the State's Mental Health Overhaul Reveal Promise and Challenges, MGH Community News, July 2023


  • Refer to MGH Social Service Outpatient Mental Health
    • The Outpatient Mental Health team at the MGH Department of Clinical Social Work is accepting referrals for psychotherapy. (10/18/24)
      • Please refer your patients through the Epic order:  MGH Social Work Mental Health.
      • Main Campus Social Work clinicians provide individual, marital , family, and group therapy to MGH primary care patients.
    • Areas of expertise:
      • Mental health, such as anxiety, depression and substance use concerns
      • Coping with illness, injury, treatment and recovery
      • Grief and bereavement
      • Relationships, parenting and family issues
      • Abuse, neglect, violence and other safety matters
      • Job, school or other life stresses
    • Eligibility: Adults with an MGH PCP who have the requisite insurance coverage for outpatient mental health services.
    • Guidelines (Staff handout)
    • Patient handout- MGH Social Service Outpatient Mental Health Services (7/20)
  • Referrals - Finding a Community Therapist (Children/youth on MassHealth- see below)
  • Department of Mental Health (Mass.) - serves children as well as adults.
    • Language/Culture specific: DMH Multicultural Populations Directory - lists clinical programs that work with specific populations, and also includes extensive links and resources by population and locality.

  • Language/Culture specific
    • DMH Multicultural Populations Directory - lists clinical programs that work with specific populations, and also includes extensive links and resources by population and locality.
    • Spanish Psychopharmacology- MGH Hispanic Psychiatry Clinic (Adults)
      • MGH Primary Care Providers and specialists can refer adult monlingual Spanish-speaking pts for psychopharm via the PTIS Epic Referral or providers can call 617-643-7998 (unable to find website at this writing)
  • Partial Hospitalization Programs and Intensive Outpatient Programs
  • Addictions including:

  • MGB Employees
    • Lyra: A New (as of 6/22) Mental Health Benefit Available to MGB Employees in AllWays Health Select and Plus Health Plans
      • Lyra provides secure and confidential access to clinically proven mental health services. Features of Lyra include: 
        • Care how and where you need it with a first-available session in three days or less with a licensed mental health clinician or psychiatrist by video, messaging or in-person
        • Diverse, multilingual and culturally responsive mental health care providers
        • Access to 24/7 care navigators and concierge services to help find the appropriate mental health care
        • Access to self-guided online programs to securely and confidentially receive evidence-based mental health treatment
      • Lyra was selected based on input from Mass General Brigham mental health experts as part of a rigorous and evidence-based review process.
      • Learn more about Lyra at or call AllWays Health Partners customer service at 800-432-9449.
      • Learn more about other behavioral and mental health resources available to all Mass General Brigham employees on The Pulse.

  • Professional Development/Reference including:
  • Children and Families
    • Parent's How-To Guide: Children's Mental Health Services in MA, Boston Bar Association with support from Children's Hospital Boston, 2011
    • Children and Families Enrolled in MassHealth - Children's Behavioral Health Initiative (CBHI)
      • MassHealth Behavioral Health Services for Children and Youth Aged 20 and Younger (Children's Behavioral Health Initiative- CBHI)- A Guide for Staff Who Work with Children, Youths, and Families enrolled in MassHealth (10/15)
        • Worried about the way your child is acting or feeling? - CBHI brochure for families based on geographic regions. Also available to order in multiple languages.
        • Background:
          • Community Service Agencies (CSA)(Staff Meeting Powerpoint 4/12)
            • Program of home- and community-based behavioral health services for children under age 21 who have MassHealth Standard or Commonhealth (those with Family Assistance, Basic or Essential may be able to access some of the covered programs). Services may include a combination of outpatient therapy, in-home therapy (intensive family therapy), intensive care coordination, mobile crisis intervention, family mentors, therapeutic mentors, etc.. DMH eligibility is not required.

  • Veterans - veterans with VA coverage in "acute suicidal crisis" can go to any hospital.
    • As of Jan. 17, 2023 according to the Department of Veterans Affairs, any eligible veteran, whether enrolled in the VA healthcare system or not, that is in an “acute suicidal crisis” can go to a VA or non-VA facility and receive up to a month of inpatient care or three months of outpatient care without cost.
    • Previously veterans needed to go to a VA facility in order to receive free or low cost care for mental health emergencies. For some veterans, that could mean travelling dozens or hundreds of miles from home for care while experiencing an emergency.
    • Veterans who were the victims of sexual assault while in the service are covered regardless of service time or conditions.
    • Eligible veterans must have been discharged or released from active duty after more than 24 months of active service under conditions other than dishonorable.
    • Reserve and National Guard veterans who served more than 100 days “under a combat exclusion or in support of a contingency operation either directly or by operating an unmanned aerial vehicle from another location who were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable” would also qualify.