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Food & Nutrition Programs

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 Patient Handouts from the CRC

SNAP (Food Stamps)
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP- formerly known as Food Stamps) is a nutrition program that serves all ages by assisting in the cost of purchasing food. This is an entitlement program- all who are eligible are guaranteed a benefit.


Food Pantries
Food pantries are independent community organizations, often run by churches, that provide food staples to individuals and families in need.


Brown Bag
The Brown Bag program is a supplemental food program that gives a free bag of food each month to low-income seniors. In Greater Boston families and the disabled are also eligible. Available in Greater Boston and Western Mass.


Fair Foods Two Dollars a Bag
Two Dollars a Bag operates a “food rescue” program through a network of volunteers in Greater Boston. Two Dollars a Bag food distribution sites are in churches, schools, and senior housing complexes. For a suggested donation of two dollars, a family receives about 15 pounds of groceries (no one is turned away for lack of ability to pay).


Farmer’s Market Coupons
These coupons are available to elders from their local Council on Aging and to WIC members from their WIC counselor. They can be used like cash and are accepted at most farmers' markets.


Local Programs:


Private Pay Meal Delivery
There are many companies that provide mail-order meals (search the internet) and there are many personal chefs one can hire to prepare meals in advance.

Please note, Mass General (MGH) does not endorse any non-Mass General affiliated facilities. The list below was found by searching for meal delivery resources in the Boston area:

All listed here offer medically tailored meals; may be covered by some insurers.


Local Access to Food Lists (Near MGH)

For Families and Caregivers (Adult)
For Parents and Caregivers (Pedi)

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